

“A point of transition between two different states.”


CUSP was a collaborative endeavour – bringing together six multidisciplinary creators who responded to the theme of CUSP. Each member of the group explored a meaningful turning point or transitory period in their lives, whether it be an imagined event, a lived experience or a personal and ongoing transition. 

Photography was the common medium used to communicate our stories - each CUSP was uniquely told by the artists’ own approach and interpretation of the subject and treatment of the medium. Other mediums used included interactive installations, 2D mixed-media, soundscapes, projections and the written word.

CUSP’s opening night was on Friday 3 December 2021, with the ehixibtion remaining opening for viewing until Sunday 5 December 2021. Images, videos and recordings of the works can be viewed on the official CUSP website, and photos from the exhibition can be viewed on the CUSP Instagram.


My CUSP explored the transition from university student to working professional. The stages photographs chronologically represent the different stages of my journey and the range of emotions I’ve experienced.

While the present evokes a sense of comfort and familiarity, the future brings with it the unknown. The fear, stress, feeling overwhelmed by creative paralysis and exhaustion. But it also brings new opportunities – the thrill of meeting new people and creating connections, the satisfaction of finishing a long-term project, or the confidence in your abilities to be a pioneer for your own success.

Change is as Good as a Holiday is auditory accompaniment for the visual elements of my CUSP. It is an intimate musing about my time as a university student - self-doubtful, but also carefully optimistic about the future. A written transcript of Change is as Good as a Holiday is at the bottom of this page.

Included in the exhibition was my interactive installation titled Where the Magic Happens.

This installation is made of belongings from my personal study space, surrounded by a collage of mixed-media works that were a part of my creative process while making my CUSP.

Written transcript of Change is as Good as a Holiday

It’s funny to think that three years ago, I was at the beginning. And now I’m at the end.
My mind is changed. Developed. Transformed.
Only on some days.
Much has stayed the same. I do the same things. Just – differently.
I like to think I’ve gotten better. Work harder, not smarter – or is it the other way around?
The more I know, the more I realise, I don’t know anything. How do I – how do I… do?
No amount of pushing papers will prepare you for pushing your own career. But I’ve spent years learning. Surely something’s useful.
Comfort is nice, but it’s not exciting. You know what’s exciting?
The unknown.
The new people, skills, experiences.
I tell myself that to feel better. It works – most of the time.
Change is as good as a holiday, right? Well, I guess I’m spending the rest of my life on holiday.
It’ll be fun.